Question Answer
What variable type can you use to efficiently store the current time inside your workflows? DateTime
Which of the following statements are true regarding the Output DataTable activity? Returns the data contained in a DataTable as a string in a csv format
How can the index integer variable be displayed inside a Message Box activity? "Current index is:" + index.ToString
How can a string variable called myString be converted to an all-capitals representation for future use? By using Assign activity with myString on the left side and myString.ToUpper on the right side.
What key combination allows you to automatically create a variable from an activity's property filed? Ctrl + K
If currentRow represents a row from a DataTable with two column in this order: Name and Age, what expression can be used to obtain the value from the column Age? currentRow("Age")
How can you identify a column in a data table?  Using the column name
 Using the column index
What type of variables can be used as output for the Read CSV activity? DataTable variables
What activity can you use to get the value from certain cell, from a specific data table row? Get Row Item
Which of the following statements is true regarding Lists and Arrays?  Array and List elements can be accessed by index.

 You can interate through a List Using a For Each loop activity.

 List items can be added Using an Add to Collection activity