
The Kubernetes architecture is defined by a master server and multiple minions. The command line tools connect to the API endpoint in the master, which manages and orchestrates all the minions, Docker hosts that receive the instructions from the master and run the containers.

Master: Server with the Kubernetes API service. Multi master configuration is on the roadmap.

Minion: Each of the multiple Docker hosts with the Kubelet service that receive orders from the master, and manages the host running containers.

Pod: Defines a collection of containers tied together that are deployed in the same minion, for example a database and a web server container.

Replication controller: Defines how many pods or containers need to be running. The containers are scheduled across multiple minions.

Service: A definition that allows discovery of services/ports published by containers, and external proxy communications. A service maps the ports of the containers running on pods across multiple minions to externally accesible ports.

kubecfg: The command line client that connects to the master to administer Kubernetes.
