Question Answer
What activities can you use to send an email message?  send Outlook Mail Message
- send SMTP Mail Message
The Save Attachments activity can save all the attachments of an email to: An absolute path.
If you are using the For Each activity to loop through a list of MailMessage variables, what should you set the TypeArgument property to?  System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
Which of the following properties are found in the Get Outlook Mail Messages activity?  MailFolder
What activity can you use to send an email without entering the username and password of the email account? Send Outlook Mail Message
Which Visual Basic property within the MailMessage class will you use to get the Date of an email? Headers ("Date")
The Send Outlook Mail Message activity will work without having Microsoft Outlook installed: FALSE
How can you send an image inside a MailMessage?  you can add the path to the attachment directly in the send activity

- you can specify the relative path of the image in the Attachments property
Will the Get Outlook Mail Message activity delete the emails from the account after it reads them? No
If you want to get only filtered MailMessage variables, what activity should you use? Get Outlook mail messages
What is the output of the Save Mail Message activity? It saves a .eml file.
What activity allows you to customize the name of the sender when you are sending an email?  send SMTP Mail Message

- send Exchange Mail Message
What is the supported variable type in the Output property field of all Get Mail activities (POP3, IMAP, Outlook, Exchange)? List (MailMessage)
Which of the following activities will allow you to retrieve only unread messages?  Get Outlook Mail Messages

- Get IMAP Mail Messages
The Save Attachments activity can save all the attachments of an email to:  An absolute path.

- A relative path. (maybe)