Question Answer
Where can you see the variables' values during workflow execution? In the Locals pane
What happens if you put a Breakpoint on a Click activity and start the workflow in Debug mode? The workflow will be paused unti you click the Continue button.
What can you use to make sure that the execution continues even if an activity fails? Try/Catch activity
What does the Locals panel display when you are working in Debug mode? The current values of your variables
How can execution be paused before a particular activity?  By using a breakpoint in Debug mode
-By using a Break activity
How can you run the process slower in order to analyze the robots behavior in certain conditions?  By using Slow Step and running the workflow in Debug mode

- By using Slow Step and starting the workflow normally (maybe)
If you want to wait until a UI Element becomes available on the screen, what activity should you use? Find Element
If you need to know if a UI Element is available on the screen or not, what activity should you use? Element Exists
When running a workflow how can you see the steps the workflow is executing?  using Debug with Highlight Activities option

- using Debug and inspecting the Output panel
Can you run the robot manually, step by step, in order to analyze the robot behavior in certain conditions?  Yes, By using Step Into and Step Over.

- Yes, By using Breakpoints and running the workflow in Debug mode.
How many Catches can you have in a Try/Catch block? There is no limit on the number of catches.
The Finally block of a Try/Catch activity is executed when: Every time, regardless if an exception occurred or not.
What is recommended to have in a Catch block?  a LogMessage activity.

- An alternative to the approach that fails.
When you have more than one exception type defined in the Catch block, which block is executed? The block with most specific match. (maybe)
Where can you find more details about the following error that appears when loading a workflow: "Activity could not be loaded because of errors in the XAML"? In Output pane.
What activity can be used in a Citrix environment to check whether a UI element is displayed or not? Image Exists
If you need to stop the workflow until a UI Element has disappeared from the screen, what activity should you use? Wait Element Vanish
How can execution be paused before a particular activity?  By using a breakpoint in Debug mode.

- By using a MessageBox activity.
What is the most effective way to handle the click on a UI Element that is not always available? By placing the Click activity inside a Try/Catch block.