Question | Answer |
How can you record the start of a Web application? | Hit Record Went Open Browser select browser |
How do you add activities to a workflow? | from the Activities Panel by dragging and
dropping from the Step by Step Recording Action pane |
What is the difference between Desktop recording and Basic recording | Basic recorder generates full
selectors Desktop Recording generates containers |
How do you stop the recording? | Escape |
How can you delay the Automatic Recording? | By hitting the F2 key |
What recording profiles are available in UiPath Studio? | Basic, Desktop, Web, Citrix |
What recording profile would you use to generate full selectors? | Basic Recording |
What type of container will Basic Recording generate? | No container |
Can you combine automatic recording with step-by-step recording in the same recording sequence? | Yes |
Which of the following is a selector of an Attach Browser container activity? | <html app='chrome.exe' title='Google' /> |
What actions can you record using Automatic Recording? | Type into Click |
What recording wizard would you use to automate UI interactions in an application that does not offer support for selectors? | Citrix Recording |
What recording wizard would you use to automate Virtual Machine actions? | Citrix Recording |
What recording wizard would you use to generate partial selectors? | Desktop Recording Web Recording |